
Lockdown App Creation Can be Aided by Insurance

Global coronavirus lockdown has seen internet use soar, with a desire to find ‘things to do’ during isolation driving many searches. For any App developer, there is a significant opportunity to be had, if they can devise an App that Apple and Google Play will accept.

Sizeable increases in web traffic and App usage is being reported with early reports of WhatApp usage increasing by 40% during lockdown, whilst web browsing is up by 70% and social media usage by 61%.[1]

According to Virgin Media, the UK’s internet usage has doubled[2], whilst a need to pass time is also responsible for Netflix and YouTube having to limit video stream bitrates, just to satisfy the hunger of consumers.

The need to have something to do offers App developers a business opening. Web browsers are carrying out searches for everything from online guitar lessons to language study and seeking challenging, entertaining and amusing distractions.  A need to home-school is boosting the demand for online resources that assist. Those with App developing skills have a golden opportunity to educate, connect people, provide fun play and offer many a challenge.

There is little or no opportunity, however, for those who have themed games around coronavirus.  Apple banned games with such content in mid-March 2020,[3] only permitting Apps on this topic if they came from a credible and “deeply credentialled” source.  To encourage the latter, Apple is may waive membership fees for non-profit organisations and Government agencies.

Whilst a spike in demand for Apps is evident, what App developers may not have at present is the insurance cover that should be considered by all developers.  The suite of insurances that may be needed includes Professional Indemnity protection, which will protect if they are sued for a fault or issue with their App.  Copyright infringement allegations can also present a big issue in the App world, so having legal expenses cover in place may also be advisable.

Anyone working in the virtual world will appreciate that cyber insurance is a key level of protection but covering computer equipment and other assets is also important, if you do not wish to be left without the ‘tools of the trade’.  Assuming a home insurance policy will cover these items, could leave you out of pocket.

Building an insurance safety net that will protect you as you become the App world’s next big thing, or capitalise on the consumer desire for new Apps right now, is key.  If you need help with this, please get in touch.


[1] https://www.cityam.com/coronavirus-whatsapp-usage-jumps-40-per-cent-during-lockdown/

[2] https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/coronavirus-uk-lockdown-internet-broadband-wifi-virgin-usage-traffic-data-a9424441.html

[3] https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=03142020a