
Escape of water: a strategic approach

With news of floods and storms making the rounds, it’s a perfect opportunity for us to remind clients of the risk of escape of water.  

Escape of water represents a large proportion of property claims, with insurers delivering £2.5m of assistance each day. 

Water can travel long distances and go undetected for some time, meaning even minor escapes have the potential to cause major damage. 

Due to the wide range of potential sources, it can prove difficult to design a cost-effective and successful risk management strategy.

Our infographic details how to approach your escape of eater risk management strategically, to achieve the best results.

Common Causes

1/5 of all property claims were due to burst pipes costing £7,000 on average per incident. 

During 2-1-’s record low temperatures, there were 3,500 burst pipe claims per day. 

Common causes of escape of water include freezing pipes and water tanks, leaks of household appliances, failed fittings and joints and deterioration of silicone sealant and grout. 

Risk management strategy for best results

There are certain precautions that can be taken to prevent escape of water. If the property is long-term vacant, consider draining water systems. It’s also worth educating occupants on risks and precautions that could arise and investing in water management technology, which is often available through tax incentives. 

Different water management technology available includes

  • Leak detection
  • Flow sensors
  • Automatic shut-off valves
  • Pipe heating

Identifying most at-risk

Certain properties may show signs they are at risk of escape of water. These include:

  • History of incidents
  • Vacant or unoccupied 
  • High-rise (especially domestic)
  • Older properties
  • Contain valuable contents (out of the path of potential water escapes)

Construction & Maintenance 

For those constructing and maintaining properties, there are factors to consider to ensure escape of water doesn’t happen:

  • Design properties with the escape of water risk management in mind.
  • Carefully select competent, accredited contractors.
  • Closely monitor all construction and maintenance work.
  • Check specifications are followed precisely, and that work is to a high standard.

Small Errors can result in Large Claims

Human error is a common source of claims. We have previously handled a £750,000 claim caused simply by a single joint not being adequately tightened. 

Importance of design

Building design can enable water to travel further and/or cause more damage, Modern methods of construction, (MMC) can be cheaper initially but costly to repair. Plush-fit plumbing is also more prone to failure, therefore, should be considered first before being implemented. 

Call us today on 01274 515 747 or email us at mail@lwood.co.uk to find out how we can help.